2015年8月15日 星期六 | By: 典雅家飾aromahouse

Times of Your Life (你的生命時光)



有一首西洋歌曲 Times of Your Life 1970年由加拿大歌星Paul Anka唱出,感性的歌詞以及令人難忘的旋律。在數位相機尚未出現之前,知名的底片製造商柯達(Koda Film) 曾經以這首歌曲當作廣告配樂,你還記得柯達嗎? 讓我們來回味這首歌曲 Times of Your Life

Times of Your Life
Good morning, yesterday
You wake up and time has slipped away
And suddenly it's hard to find
The memories you left behind
Remember, do you remember

The laughter and the tears
The shadows of misty yesteryears
All the good times and the bad you've seen
And all the others in between
Remember, do you remember
The times of your life (do you remember)

Reach back for the joy and the sorrow
Put them away in your mind
The memories are time that you borrow
To spend when you get to the tomorrow
典雅家飾與您一起關懷老人 www.aromalaceshop.com.tw